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The Office of the Prime Minister recently issued a new regulation on the provision or acceptance of gift of government officials. The regulation provides a broad scope of what can be considered gifts as well as strict policy principles for government officials to comply with. Business operators may take this regulation into account as guidelines for their compliance management, even though it only applies to government officials. Read more…

We would like to share with you the latest episodes of our brand new series, “Healthcare Metaverse” brought to you by our HealthTech team. In this series, we discuss the potential that the metaverse has to transform the delivery of healthcare along with opportunities and challenges it may present. In the first episode, our team gives a brief introduction of the concept of metaverse and issues that will be relevant to healthcare. Please click HERE…

With the advancement of technology, combined with the push from the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare services and patient engagement are being transformed. Healthcare delivery is moving to the next level with the metaverse experience made possible by AR, VR, mixed reality (MR) and AI. In this article, we discuss various key and unique challenges of the healthcare sector in the metaverse. Read more…

The Bank of Thailand and the Fiscal Policy Office have co-drafted the draft Royal Decree Designating Certain Types of Financial Business Operations that are subject to the Financial Institution Business Act, B.E. 2551 (“Draft Royal Decree”) to regulate the car and motorcycle hire-purchase and leasing businesses. The Draft Royal Decree is now open for public hearing. In this newsletter, we summarize key elements of the Draft Royal Decree including those who will be regulated and…

In response to more diversified media and channels for advertising, the Office of the Consumer Protection Board has deemed it necessary to step up its efforts to protect consumers. In this article, we discuss the potential regulatory development that business operators should be aware of concerning the use of advertising that presents unsubstantiated claims or statements that are difficult to prove true. Read more…