The BOI has added ‘The modification of software, digital platforms, or digital content’ to the targeted type of business. As a condition, the companies are required to invest a minimum of THB 1.5 million Baht in Thai IT personnel, etc. to be eligible for promotion.
The Board of Investment of Thailand (BOI) has announced additional tax and non-tax incentives to investments in new manufacturing projects and existing manufacturing projects for applicants who also plan to establish a regional headquarters and/or an R&D center in Thailand. Additional incentives are….
There are environment-related mechanisms, policies and regulations that have been introduced in countries around the world, some of which are already in effect, while others are still draft regulations under consideration. The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is already in effect, ….
The Climate Change Bill has gone through a public hearing and will be considered by the cabinet for approval in principle this June. The Climate Change Bill will help accelerate Thailand’s climate mitigation and adaptation efforts to fulfill Thailand’s nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement.
物品税率を定める省令 が2023年12月に公布され、総気筒容量の 1,300 cc 以下のガソリンエンジン又は1,400 cc 以下のディーゼルエンジンを有する乗用車又は輸送車(「エコカー」)に対する物品税率の一時的な減税率の適用が延長されました。
The Ministerial Regulation Prescribing the Excise Tariff Rate was published in December 2023 to extend the temporary reduction of excise tax for eco-cars with 1,300 cc for gasoline engines and 1,400 cc for diesel engines (eco-cars).