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Baker McKenzie



The automotive industry is one of the focus industries promoted by the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), and ranked among the top three industries with the highest number of approved projects that attracted approximately THB 42,200 million in investment to Thailand in 2023. In recent years, the BOI has introduced measures to attract….

2024 年 2 月 7 日、タイ投資委員会 (BOI)は更なる投資を誘致するため新投資奨励策を公布しました。新規投資家だけでなく、既存投資家も支援する内容やタイの地域統括機能強化を図るプロジェクトへの奨励も…

On February 7, 2024, the Board of Investment of Thailand (BOI) announced new investment measures to attract more investment. These measures support not only new investors, but also existing investors as well as to encourage those manufacturing projects that strengthen regional headquarters business operations in Thailand.